Sunday, November 04, 2007


Today, I learnt nothing new.
Someday, I'll learn to live with that.

Yesterday, I made fifty people feel better.
The only person who failed to feel good was me.
Someday, I'll learn to live with that.

The other day, I helped deliver a dozen babies.
Later they would be somebody's mother, father, brother or sister.
They might even be a thief, rapist, murderer, bigot, or corruptor.
Someday, I'll learn to live with that.

Once upon a time, I saved a man's life.
Little did I know he lived on to abuse his children, cheat on
his wife, left her, made her kill self, marry his girlfriend,
had more kids, abused them too, they ended up dealing drugs
and beating the weaks like the bullies they were.
Someday, I'll learn to live with that.

Out of the blue, you decided not to talk to me.
And then fucked around, just because.
Never, will I learn to live with that.

Someday, the world will end.
That day, I'll learn that nothing I've learnt matter.