Saturday, May 06, 2006


I meant to sang the notes but the dog bit my tongue it bleeds, the ketchup tastes funny. The morning when I was so flabby I woke up every sunday eating tomatoes but my roommate went clubbing in the mirror, and I dance along that rock song like going to church and praying for all the sinners in the world. Help, the church burns me, the worms in my head bursts it jumped onto the sea. Don't look at the potatoe it makes you cry, the pan fry some paper you gonna write a sad love song under the sea.

The other day I met an ant who told me I got sugar on my brain, they crawl and surround a big tiger, eating it alive. Don't pray, the crease on your hands will wrinkle, no you don't wanna grow old in one day. I smoke this weed and it was strawberry flavored and god told me I am god. I invented the pot and let the aliens teleport it all around cause I am god. God dances, right steps, left steps, it topples it's broken hearted so the bomb explodes and the rats weep.

Excuse me sir where do you live, is it where all the green flowers bloom and the dead bodies fly away to the burning heaven? I'd like to live there please, live someplace anyplace cause I ain't got a place to live in. The day they made me doctor I felt so big I went to the market and bought some fried calamari, only those bastards forgot to put them in boiling water they swam around like fishes I saw in National Geographic. There were detectives too, investigating a puddle of blood on the floor that dripped from my broken nose.

On Monday momma says I gotta go to the hospital, the president lives there too, I'll watch some DVD movies I made, its about people crying and raising their pets. The children hides in the blanket cause they've got two bellies, one eye and three ears just like me. I feed them cockroaches, hug them then they turn into jellybeans and cabbages. I'm alone again all the kids are gone, we were supposed to go to this party on a pumpkin cart, they promised I could be the cinderella. I don't want no cinderella, I don't got no glass shoes, I don't want no prince, they only live in a country far far away where pretty people breed and bleed to death. I am the ocean, the tide, and the chocolate cookies with blueberry jam.

I saw this girl on the news she's so pretty she puts cake on her face and marry a plastic guy and produce cantaloupes so she could be happy, and that makes me sad. I loaded a gun with an eyeball and shot it on Boobaa's eye socket so he could see again. But then he went to jail because he saw things he never did and was raped and so he slit Captain Hook's trhoat and became Peter Pan. Oh wait I gotta buy some pop tarts my chicken's hungry.


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