Calm down now..

If everything you believe in is a lie, its okay.
If you can't find the truth, no one can so don't worry.
If everything you have is taken away, cry then let it go.
If you can't understand why things happen, stop trying.
If nobody understands you, they're missing the point.
If people are wrong and they can't figure what's right, let them be.
If you can't right the wrongs, know that we just can't.
If your loved ones leave you, don't let them leave your heart.
If you can't walk no more, stay there, don't retreat.
If being mad is the only way you can keep going, be angry.
When you’re tired putting up with things, it’s okay to break down.
It's fine, everything's alright, calm down now..
Anger makes you look unwise.
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